Practical Guide to Balancing Your Protein and Moisture Wash Days

For my natural hair audience, I believe you'll find this info useful on how to manage  your lovely God-given manes.

How to Balance Protein and Moisture Wash Days: A Practical Guide

We are often told to balance our protein and moisture, and to do a hard protein treatment once per month or every six weeks.However the truth of the matter is that achieving that balance practically is still quite hard for some. Here is a realistic breakdown of how and when to use your different types of conditioners.

These are my current conditoners, you can substitute them for others as long as you have one of each type. 
Moisturising conditioner: Tresemme Naturals Nourishing Moisture Conditioner
Balanced conditioner: ORS Hairepair Nourishing Conditioner (with banana and bamboo extracts)
Hard protein conditioner: ORS Hair Mayonnaise

Now to the practical aspect. Here are two schedules to choose from depending on how often you want to incorporate hard protein.

Hard protein every 6 weeks i.e. The 6 Week Wash Cycle

Hard Protein (wash week1)
Moisture DC (wash week 2)
Balanced DC (wash week 3)
Moisture /Balanced DC (wash week 4)
Balanced/Moisture DC (wash week 5)
Moisture DC (wash week 6)
Hard protein ( wash week 1, cycle starts again)

You will use a balanced or moisturising deep conditioner  during wash weeks 4 and 5 depending on how your hair feels. If you feel it needs more moisture, use a moisturising deep conditioner, however the next wash should incorporate a balanced conditioner. It also works in reverse. If you used a balanced conditioner in wash week 4, a moisturising one will follow in wash week 5. 

Hard  protein once a month i. e. The 4 Week Wash Cycle

Hard Protein (wash week 1)
Moisture (wash week 2)
Balanced (wash week 3)
Moisture (wash week 4)
Hard Protein (wash  week 1, cycle starts again)

1. Use a balanced conditioner if your hair is soft, but needs a bit of added strength AND your previous wash incorporated a moisturising deep conditioner.
2. For the 6 week cycle, it is also okay to have two balanced conditioning sessions or two moisturising conditioning sessions in a row. But do not do that 3  weeks in a row, otherwise it will throw your hair off balance.
3. Use a moisturising conditioner if your hair is dry and has very little elasticity.
4. The next wash day after a protein treatment should always be dedicated to a moisturising deep conditioning session in order to avoid protein overload.
5. Although this schedule simplifies things a lot,  always go with how your hair feels.

How do you balance your protein and moisture?

Comments pls!


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