December Challenge - Detox and Cleanse

Hey guys!

How are you doing? I hope you haven’t given up on your health goals. It's gonna be a great year, trust me!

The December challenge was titled "Detox and Cleanse ". It was the final lap of my journey to UK16 from UK22. The challenge is not as easy as it sounds; it was the hardest for me. The previous months was to sculpt the curves that I'm proud of today while the 'DC' was for total cleansing from inside-out.

You will find it very tough especially for the 'foodies' but determination will help you pull through. So, here we go!

DAY 1 - DAY 3 = Water! Water!! Water!!!

Yep, I mean plain water! Surprised? I didn’t find it funny at all and you also won't. You'll feel dizzy, cranky with super hunger pangs on th first day, but your body begins to adjust on the second day. Your daily intake should equal half of your body weight.

DAY 4 - DAY10 = Fruits, Chicken and Vegetable salad galore!

Find the chart below:

DAY11 - DAY 17 = Fat flush and Smoothies galore!

Find the chart below:
Find below the recipes of the fat flush and smoothies :

DAY18 - DAY 31 = Exercise galore! This was the fun part as I followed various challenges to further sculpt my streamlined body. I'll post a few pictures as guidelines but you can borrow some routines from the November chart.

Find the pictures below, however, you're free to add your own twist to the mix :)

This was how I ended up with my dream body and am not done yet! I am currently a UK16, but my final destination is a UK12 by God's grace.

I hope I've inspired you in more ways than one. Kindly send in your comments and feedbacks and be sure you'll get a response from me.

I'll continue with the January challenge by tmr o next. I'll also post othe articles that would benefit you so stay tuned!



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