October Challenge - Squats! Squats!! Squats!!!

 This was the rota for October. It's a good way to start especially for those who don't want to lose their booty and curves while dropping the weight. It is not a easy task, trust me, but if your mind is made up like mine was, then you're good to go!
Below are various ways to achieve the squats that you want depending on how strong you are. So ladies lets's go!

This was how I started. Yes I wanted to lose weight, but I also didn't want to lose my beautiful curves ;)

This picture is for those whose knees aren't strong enough to do the full squats.

What are you waiting for? It's time to begin your own lifestyle journey to total transformation. Please leave comments  so i'll know how easy or hard it is for you. I'm here to render my support . If you could, do it, so can you!

I changed my diet as well. I cut off foods like bread, rice, eba; junk foods like snacks, ice-cream, cake, chocolates, soft drinks, packed juices etc. I stared controling my food portions and stopped eating between meals. I snacked on fruits and wheat crackers. I never skipped breakfast and also stopped eating late(not later than 6pm). I'll post the menu I followed throughout October. 

For the "foodies", it might be very difficult difficult adapt, but like I said to someone, imagine your mind as the door separating you from your new lifestyle. What should you do? Shut that door with a bang, lock an d throw the keys into the LAGOON! 

Begin your lifestyle overhaul today and let me know what your think. Don't give up no matter how difficult it gets. You can do it!

November challenge coming right up!


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