Fruits and Vegetables for Healthy Natural Hair.

Hello Naturalistas!

I hope you all are doing great. This post is about incorporating the consumption of healthy amounts of fruits and vegetables into our daily diets, and how they will aid our hair growth. We have some of these items lying in our fridges and pantry, and most often than not, we ignore them totally.

I'm sure you'll find this post very useful. Below are some of these fruits and veggies .

- Egg yolk : Egg yolk is a great source of omega-3 (which leaves the hair shiny and healthy) and Biotin which prevents hair loss.

Beans : Beans are full of protein and folic acid. Folic acid helps the body revive its red blood cells which supplies oxygen to the hair.

Sweet potatoes : it's rich in carotene which prevents dandruff, other hair problems and stops hair loss.

Almonds and walnuts : Due to their richness in Biotin, these nuts help boost hair growth, fights scalp diseases, strengthens the scalp and gives shine. They are also rich in vitamin B and E which prevents hair loss and breakage.

Oranges : it's rich in vitamin c which helps your body absorb iron.

Oatmeal : Rich in fibre, iron, zinc and fatty acid which boost hair growth, making it thick and healthy.

Spinach : Contains sebum which is a natural conditioner.its rich in omega-3, potassium, magnesium and iron which keeps the hair lustrous and shiny.

Guava : Great source of vitamin C which prevents split ends and breakage.

Carrot : rich in beta carotene which stops hair loss and encourages growth.

Next time you pass beside a fruit stand, you better get at least one of these fruits! As for me, I'm going to me making a smoothie with some of the fruits listed. Who wants to join me? 

NB : Guavas are better source of vitamin C compared to oranges and high in take of beta carotene can also cause hair loss.

Until my next post, ciao!


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