Signs Your Natural Hair Is Healthy

Hello Curlies!

Have you gotten yourself so worked up with this question before, "is my hair healthy?"  Well, I hope this post comes to the rescue! Read through to know when you can tell your hair is healthy!

Poser is: do you really know when your hair is healthy? Please note that healthy hair has nothing to do with length!

Ways to tell if your hair is healthy:

  • Shrinkage - We are regularly not very excited when we can't flaunt our hair length but we need to recognise the value of the shrink because it means your hair is getting enough moisture. Do ensure you are sealing in your moisture!
  • Minimal breakage.
  • Soft to the touch.
  • Retains Moisture
  • Shedding - Do not raise an alarm when your hair sheds, it is a normal part of the growth cycle. When it becomes excessive then you should raise the alarm. You shed an average of 100 strands a day, it's totally normal! 

So, what do you think? Was this post helpful? Share your thoughts in the comments box.


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