3 DIY Masks for Dry and Damaged Hair
Hey guys! Forgive my long absence. I've been very busy with work and other stuff. Hope we all are doing great. People have been asking questions on how they can deal with constant dryness in their hair. I hope this post helps( it's DIY btw, so, have fun!). Does your hair suffer from chemical (relaxer or hair colour), hair tool use (straighteners or blow dryers) or chlorine damage? Does your hair suffer from dryness due to too much heat processing and or chemical dyes? Here are 3 DIY hair masks that can help revive your hair and return it to it’s healthy state. The Oil Mask Coconut oil doesn’t only smell great but it’s also great for hydrating those thirsty strands. Other great oils that are fantastic for moisturising your hair, especially the ends, are Extra Virgin Oil and Sweet Almond Oil. For a great moisturising mask combine 2 parts of coconut oil or almond oil with one part olive oil in a bowl. Apply mixture to your damaged tresses focusing on t...