Say Goodbye To Pain In Your Joints, Legs And Spine With This Proven Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie!!!

Joint pain along with pain in the back, knees, legs and ankles is a common health issue affecting both old and young people. In seniors, the common cause is age-related loss of bone cartilage, whereas in younger population, this condition is normally due to inactivity and sedentary lifestyle.
Joint pain can be inflicted by a number of diseases such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, gout, strains, sprains as well as injuries.

Even though the majority of these ailments heal in about two weeks to three months, some of them turn chronic and become so debilitating that a person usually finds it difficult to sit, lie down or even stand.

Leg pain is normally triggered by wear and tear, i.e. muscle exhaustion or joint injuries caused by tearing of bone, the muscle, ligament, tendon and other soft tissues.

Another risk factor of leg pain is poor circulation.

You can easily alleviate joint pain with this anti-inflammatory smoothie made of several extremely beneficial ingredients.



1 orange
2 cups of pineapple
2 celery stalks
2 pears
1 lemon
1 inch raw ginger root
a pinch of turmeric
a dash of black pepper
½ teaspoon coconut oil

Peel the lemon, orange and ginger. Core and slice the pineapples and pears. Set your food processor on high speed and blend all ingredients together.

Consume immediately or refrigerate in a jar for max 3-5 days.

It’s highly recommended to use a food processor instead of a juicer as this will keep the dietary fiber inside as opposed to filtering it out as waste.

Once the juice is consumed, it’s the high fiber content that produces lower C- reactive protein (CRP) in the blood, a marker of inflammation linking to diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), heart disease and diabetes.



This exotic fruit is abundant in bromelain, which is extremely beneficial for relieving joint pain and reducing arthritis-associated inflammations. In fact, bromelain contains more enzymes than most non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs.


Potassium and calcium deficiencies usually trigger leg pain. Sufficient vitamin C amounts are required by the body to fight off inflammation and maintain healthy joints, especially in people suffering from osteoarthritis (OA).


Celery is rich in Vitamin K whose deficiency can trigger abnormal cartilage and bone mineralisation, which in turn leads to the onset of OA in hands and knees.


Abundant in vitamin C, pears are highly efficient in reducing symptoms of inflammatory arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).


Aside from the high content of Vitamin C, lemons are also abundant in vitamin E. Both of these lemons are powerful antioxidants, which protect the cells from free radical damage and stimulate the production of collagen and connective tissue. Both are essential for proper body function.


Gingerol, the active ingredient in ginger, is effective in reducing prostaglandins, lipid compounds that cause joint pain.


Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, it is highly beneficial for relieving knee pain and improving its function. It has also proved more effective than ibuprofen against osteoarthritis. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric can reduce joint inflammation and ease the pain.

Consuming this health-beneficial smoothie on regular basis can provide you with joint pain relief more effectively than most anti-inflammatory drugs on the market.


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