My DIY facial scrub

Hey guys!

Guess what I tried today? One of the many benefits of Coconut oil and Honey. I decided to do a bit of facials this morning (the natural way, of course! No artificial products and the like). End result: My face is glowing and am feeling like a zillion bucks! :-)

The entire process shouldn't take longer than 20 minutes.

Ingredients for the facial scrub:

1 teaspoon of honey

1 teaspoon of organic coconut oil (homemade by me)

1 cube of sugar

Ingredients for the steaming :

1 teaspoon of dried thyme

2 litres of water (hot)

I mixed the ingredients(facials) together to form a paste and then went ahead to scrub my face with it. Not only my face, but my palms, wrists up to my forearm.

Afterwards, I put the kettle to boil in preparation for a light face steaming
I allowed the mixture to sit on my face and hand for 10 minutes and rinsed it off with warm water. I wiped my face with a clean napkin. Before steaming,  I applied honey on my clean face, added a teaspoonful of dried thyme to a bowl of hot water, lifted the bowl closer to my face (please o, give a 10-inch gap to avoid scalding!) and covered my head with a large towel.

Ensure you sit still at this point to avoid an accident. Also, remember to breath in and out through your mouth as it will help to clear your throat as well.

Five minutes later, I took the towel off, rinsed my face with warm water and moisturised with my homemade  organic coconut oil :-).

Your face will not only feel extra smooth, but the honey face steam will help brighten your skin. This shouldn't be a one-off treatment. Do it once a week at the least.
Try this at home  and let me know how you felt afterwards. If you'd like to order for your organic coconut oil, contact me by leaving a comment in the box below or  send an e-mail to


Ciao! :-)


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